How to Get Teammates to Stop Feeding Sym at Low Elo
You win every 1v1, since he can't do enough damage to kill you. If he has friends (Awwww!) then you need to watch out. He gets strong in the late game, so if you're at that point and you haven't shut him down already, consider building tenacity.
Dr. Mundo
Provided you build an early Executioner's, this matchup is a breeze. If not, be prepared to get destroyed. Focus him pre-level 11, since his first ult is kind of meh. Watch out for his Q's if you try to chase him - they deal percentage max health damage and slow you, removing your W movement speed (since you're now in combat) and denying you the kill. If you have your ult, fear nothing - you can tank an instance of CC on your leap, so feel free to jump when he least expects it!
BURN. BURN IT WITH FIRE. Ekko has the delightful ability to one-shot you at any time (the primary weakness of this build), and if you happen to get him in low in an early post-6 1v1, he can heal it all back anyway. Kill him early, or not at all.
Elusive as all heck - you're both strong early, and she has reliable ways to dodge your ult post-6. Watch out for her cocoon in human form - the stun lasts for quite a while. Try to keep vision on her at all times - an elise gank can ALWAYS result in a kill for your laners, leading to major tilt from your allys.
Pre-6 she's free. Afterwards, her stealth is annoying but manageable; her ult is annoying and UN-manageable. It's a great finishing blow, meaning that normally when you're at your strongest, you're instead just waiting to die. A fed Eve is your worst nightmare.
You beat him early, he beats you late - you're better 1v1, he's better in teamfights. You both win at your own specialties, so try to force it whenever possible.
Not sure how to feel about this matchup tbh. Watch out for his healing/CC, but otherwise play it by ear.
DON'T GET KITED. If you can follow his E with your Q, you should win.
You win early, but he's going to get ahead by ganking - try to out manoeuvre him when you can. If you can't, focus objectives to try and force a 1v1 at level 6. As long as you can pre-emptively E his initial burst, you should be good to duel him with confidence - just watch out for his team!
Uhhhh... *shrug*? He's a support jungler with a summon. Beyond that, I understand nothing about Ivern, except that he's remarkably murder-happy for a supposed pacifist. Watch out for unexpected bush shenanigans!
Late game champ; easy early, E after he activates counter-strike, but wait half a second before doing so - aim to press it just before he tries to stun. Stay close while he has it up, but don't attack him while doing so. Bait him into an extended trade if you can - it's where he's strongest, but so are you, and you can turn the tables with a well timed R.
UGH. Watch for invades, and try not to ult him - he has THREE ways of dodging it. If he goes blue Kayn, E early, then destroy him. If he goes red Kayn... good luck. It's broken rn.
If he gets ahead, you're f***ed. Otherwise, you're not. Simple, right?
DO NOT GET KITED. DO NOT ULT IN HER ULT. Squishy, but you have to get close first. Pay attention to what she's marking, and she becomes predictable - a good kindred will vary her pathing enough that you never see her coming, but most will march in a straight line to the glowing symbol of infinite scaling.
Lee Sin
Be careful when you take fights - he can burst you when you don't expect it, and (if you're not careful) knock you into an eager enemy team. Do NOT feed him, no matter what you do.
Master Yi
Two forms of hard CC? That's a dead Master Yi! You counter him pretty nicely - don't let him dodge your ult with his Q, and he's free food.
Extremely fast clear speed. Dodge her spears whenever possible. Try to take a short clear route - a good Nidalee will beat you to crab if you go for a long clear. Do NOT let her snowball you.
DO NOT ENGAGE, REPEAT, DO NOT ENGAGE! The first thing you have to watch out for in this matchup is his fear - it can activate AFTER you ult him. Make sure you get feared first, THEN turn the tables on him. If you play it smart you can win - be careless and he'll destroy you.
Nunu & Willump
Outrun their snowball, then snowball them.
Pre-6 he beats you normally, post-6 he can R your R. Yikes. Later you can beat him, but only if he hasn't snowballed completely yet.
Strange matchup, but treat as a worse Nunu (worse for you ofc). If he you can outnumber him he's a free kill, but once he starts stacking defenses, there's not much you can do. Pinning him down is the hardest part of it, but if you can win the CC war, you can win the matchup.
Hmmm... Hard to say which way this goes. Stand by the tunnels to destroy them - if you can do this and then counter-gank, that's usually a free win. If you can't do it in advance, E them away from it so you can destroy it, then go all in.
Be wary of bushes! If you run in blind, he will destroy you - if you play smart, you'll destroy him.
Pretty good tank - always worse than you think, but as long as you play it a bit safer (and mind the CC as always) you should be fine.
If you lose against a Shaco, you have been big brained. If you blindly run in, you will be annihilated. By contrast, proper clone identification, understanding what he wants to do in any situation, and a pinch of stealth prediction, and you feel like a genius - and win, while you're at it!
Minor threat - with ONE exception. Shyvana players are obsessed with Dragons, and she has an AP scaling ability which makes her shoot a fireball. If she builds AP, she can - and will - one shot you. Try to sneak dragons whenever you know she can't contest - try to push it early, since her team usually won't want to dive in even if they see you doing it, as long as you've pushed up the correct lanes. Honestly it's a simple match-up; I'll end it here, since this is starting to drag on.
You both have ridiculous CC in the form of your ult, except he can drag people with his... Ouch. That stings.
High Elo threat, low elo freebie. A good taliyah can split the fight in half, contest objectives from half a map away, and move through the jungle at a pace that can even outrun YOU. Bad taliyahs die. A lot.
I... what? Trundle in 2021? Ok then... Try to avoid his territory (the big ice circle). Don't ult obviously - he can block it with a pillar. Try to wait out his ult if possible - it makes you too squishy to do anything, and buffs him at the same time.
Like you, but more AA focused. Lots of healing, attack speed, movement speed, brusier oriented - but he lacks CC. Burst him, or flee and come back with teammates. Udyr is a specialist champ - they probably know what they're doing.
How to explain Vi... She punch. She crunch. She dash through a bunch. Vi excels at picking one person and saying "You die now." It's your job to make sure she can't. Peel for your carries!!! In a 1v1, it can go either way.
DISGUSTING. Does too much damage, is too tanky without any tank items, has a good engage... A lot of Volibears will build AP, which is a real hassle. Try to avoid his circle of fun, and burst him with a team behind you.
Xin Zhao
Even matchup. Nothing much to say, beyond not expecting any help from your ranged buddies while he has his circle around him. A full combo does too much damage for the amount of CC it provides, but... Well, tbh, we really shouldn't be complaining about that!
Tanky boi. Treat him as you would any other tank, but watch out for surprise counter-ganks!
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